Events are actions that take place in your browser, normally triggered by the visitor's use of the keyboard or mouse. Events are processed by a script, usually Javascript, that is written to perform a specific action or sequence of actions when the event occurs. Most events require some knowledge of Javascript.
Events can be used to switch one image with another when your mouse hovers over it, or to validate forms when the submit button is pressed. The possibilities are endless... well, almost.
Events are better known as "event handler content attributes", as they are actually the HTML attributes used to identify events and handle what action/script is triggered when an event happens. Let's take a look at the events available.
Window events work inside of the body element.
Attribute | Value | When Is Event Triggered? |
onload | Script | Event Happens (Script is Executed) When A Document Loads |
onunload | Script | Event Happens (Script is Executed) When A Document Unloads |
Window event attributes work inside of the body element.
Attribute | Value | When Is Event Triggered? |
onafterprint | Script | Script is Executed After a Document is Printed |
onbeforeprint | Script | Script is Executed Before a Document Is Printed |
onbeforeunload | Script | Script is Executed When Document Is About to Be Unloaded |
onerror | Script | Script is Executed When Error Occurs |
onhashchange | Script | Script is Executed When URL Anchor Changes |
onload | Script | Script is Executed When A Document Loads |
onmessage | Script | Script is Executed When Message is Triggered |
onoffline | Script | Script is Executed When Browser Starts to Work Offline |
ononline | Script | Script is Executed When Browser Starts to Work Online |
onpagehide | Script | Script is Executed When User Navigates Away From Page |
onpageshow | Script | Script is Executed When User Navigates To Page |
onpopstate | Script | Script is Executed When Window's History Changes |
onresize | Script | Script is Executed When Browser Window Is Resized |
onstorage | Script | Script is Executed When Web Storage Area Is Updated |
onunload | Script | Script is Executed When A Document Unloads |
Keyboard event attributes work on of all of the basic HTML elements inside the body of the document.
Attribute | Value | When Is Event Triggered? |
onkeydown | Script | Script is Executed When A Key Is Released |
onkeypress | Script | Script is Executed When A Key Is Pressed |
onkeyup | Script | Script is Executed When A Key Is Pressed & Released |
Clipboard event attributes work on of all of the basic HTML elements inside the body of the document.
Attribute | Value | When Is Event Triggered? |
oncopy/td> | Script | Script is Executed When User Copies An Element’s Content |
oncut | Script | Script is Executed When User Cuts An Element’s Content |
onpaste | Script | Script is Executed When User Pastes Content Into An Element |
Mouse event attributes work on of all of the basic HTML elements inside the body of the document.
Attribute | Value | When Is Event Triggered? |
onclick | Script | Script is Executed When Mouse Is Clicked |
ondblclick | Script | Script is Executed When Mouse Is Double-Clicked |
onmousedown | Script | Script is Executed When Mouse Button Is Pressed |
onmousemove | Script | Script is Executed When Mouse Button Is Moved |
onmouseout | Script | Script is Executed When Mouse Pointer Is Moved Out of An Element |
onmouseover | Script | Script is Executed When Mouse Pointer Is Moved Over An Element |
onmouseup | Script | Script is Executed When Mouse Button Is Released |
onwheel | Script | Script is Executed When Mouse Wheel Rolls Over An Element |
onshow | Script | Script is Executed When Contextmenu Event Triggers An Element With A Contextmenu Attribute |
ontoggle | Script | Script is Executed When User Opens or Closes The Element |
Drag event attributes work on of all of the basic HTML elements inside the body of the document.
Attribute | Value | When Is Event Triggered? |
ondrag | Script | Script is Executed When An Element Is Dragged |
ondragend | Script | Script is Executed When A Drag Operation Finishes |
ondragenter | Script | Script is Executed When An Element Has Been Dragged to A Valid Drop Target |
ondragleave | Script | Script is Executed When An Element Leaves A Valid Drop Target |
ondragover | Script | Script is Executed When An Element Is Being Dragged Over A Valid Drop Target |
ondragstart | Script | Script is Executed When A Drag Operation Starts |
ondrop | Script | Script is Executed When A Dragged Element Is Being Dropped |
onscroll | Script | Script is Executed When An Element's Scrollbar Is Being Scrolled |
Form event attributes only work inside of form elements.
Attribute | Value | When Is Event Triggered? |
onblur | Script | Script is Executed When Element Loses Focus |
onchange | Script | Script is Executed When Element Changes |
oncontextmenu | Script | Script is Executed When A Context Menu Is Triggered |
onfocus | Script | Script is Executed When Element Gets Focus |
oninput | Script | Script is Executed When An Element Gets User Input |
oninvalid | Script | Script is Executed When An Element Is Invalid |
onreset | Script | Script is Executed When Form Is Reset |
onsearch | Script | Script is Executed When User Writes In Search Field |
onselect | Script | Script is Executed When Element Is Selected |
onsubmit | Script | Script is Executed When Form Is Submitted |
Media event attributed work inside of media elements such as audio, images, and video.
Attribute | Value | When Is Event Triggered? |
onabort | Script | Script is Executed On Abort |
oncanplay | Script | Script is Executed When A File Is Buffered Enough to Start Playing |
oncanplaythrough | Script | Script is Executed When A File Is Buffered All the Way to the End |
oncuechange | Script | Script is Executed When the Cue Changes In A |
ondurationchange | Script | Script is Executed When Media Length Changes |
onemptied | Script | Script is Executed When File Is Unavailable |
onended | Script | Script is Executed When Media Is At the End |
onerror | Script | Script is Executed When An Error Occurs When File Is Loading |
onloadeddata | Script | Script is Executed When Media Data Is Loaded |
onloadedmetadata | Script | Script is Executed When Meta Data Is Loaded |
onloadstart | Script | Script is Executed When Media Begins to Load |
onpause | Script | Script is Executed When Media Is Paused |
onplay | Script | Script is Executed When Media Is Ready to Play |
onplaying | Script | Script is Executed When Media Starts Playing |
onprogress | Script | Script is Executed When Browser Is Getting Media Data |
onratechange | Script | Script is Executed Each Time the Playback Rate Changes |
onseeked | Script | Script is Executed When the Seeking Attribute Is Set to False |
onseeking | Script | Script is Executed When the Seeking Attribute Is Set to True |
onstalled | Script | Script is Executed When the Browser Is Unable to Fetch Media Data |
onsuspend | Script | Script is Executed When Media Data Fetching Is Stopped Before Completion |
ontimeupdate | Script | Script is Executed When Playing Position Changes |
onvolumechange | Script | Script is Executed Each Time the Volume Changes |
onwaiting | Script | Script is Executed When Media Pauses |
If you resisted clicking on the button above, click on it anyway for an example of an event in action. Let's pick apart the code that made it possible.
<input type="button" value="Don't Click Here" onclick="alert('You just couldn\'t resist, could you?');">
You might not have learned much about forms yet. They are the elements of HTML that allow your visitors to interact with the website. The form button in this example includes the "onclick" attribute with a value of "alert('');", which is a Javascript function that pops up a little alert box with text in it.
Notice what happens when you move your mouse over the image, and then back off of it? The code to trigger these actions comes in two parts.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.images) {
image1 = new Image
image2 = new Image
image1.src = 'duck.gif'
image2.src = 'snake.gif'
<span onMouseOver="document.rollover.src=image2.src" onMouseOut="document.rollover.src=image1.src">
<img src="duck.gif" name="rollover">
Both the javascript code and the image and span tags can be placed between the HTML document's body tags. You can replace the image names and paths with your own images and be switching images like a pro in no time at all.