1. What is the correct format for creating an HTML text link?


<a "">PHP For</a>

<a href="">PHP For</a>

<a url="">PHP For</a>

<a href="" />

2. ".html" and ".htm" are valid HTML…



file names

opening and closing elements

file extensions

3. What are HTML attributes?

search engine spiders that read HTML code

characteristics of an element that provide additional information

elements that give credit to other elements

4. What is an inline element?

a brightly-colored element that comes in multiple shapes ideal for stacking

an element that blends in without interrupting the flow of surrounding elements

an element that stands out by forces line breaks before and after itself

an element that blocks other elements from appearing

an element that increases other elements' visibility

5. What is the proper syntax of a form submit button?

<input="submit" />

<input type="button" />

<input type="submit" />

6. Which element will create an unordered list?

<ol> </ol>

<dl> </dl>

<ul> </ul>

7. What program interprets HTML?

a text editor

a graphics editor

a word processor

a browser

a server

8. Which of the following tags should <meta> tags be enclosed in?

<head> </head>

<title> </title>

<body> </body>

<p> </p>

<script> </script>

9. Which of the following examples shows correctly nested HTML elements?





10. Which element is used for both text and password form fields?






11. One of the following statements is correct. Which one is it?

HTML Separates Style From Design

File Extensions Are Not Important

HTML Does Not Require the Use of a Server

HTML Files Can Contain PHP Code

12. What is the <td> </td> element?

a table head cell

a table data cell

a tabular distortion

a table description

a table database

13. What is the correct format for inserting an image?

<img href="photo.jpg">

<img src="photo.jpg">

<image src="photo.jpg">


14. What does HTML stand for?

Hyperlinks, Text, Markups and Linguistics

Half The Mess Later

HyperText Mixup Language

HyperText Markup Language

HyperTools Markup Language

15. Can an HTML dropdown form menu accept multiple selections?



16. Why are HTML entities necessary?

because they take longer to type, making them seem more important than single characters

because without HTML entities, unknown characters show up as giant smiley faces

because keyboards are made wrong and are missing the most important keys

because they can prevent characters from being interpreted instead of displayed

17. Why are hidden form fields useful?

because they stay out of the way

because they can hold onto data for use later on

because what you don't know can't hurt you

because their values are unique

18. Rowspan, colspan and cellspan are all valid HTML table attributes.



19. What is a block-level element?

a brightly-colored element that comes in multiple shapes ideal for stacking

an element that blends in without interrupting the flow of surrounding element

an element that stands out by forces line breaks before and after itself

an element that blocks other elements from appearing

an element that increases other elements' visibility

20. Should HTML be used to design and style a website?




21. Which of the following is a valid color code?






22. Which form method sends information in the URL?






23. Which of the following tags do not make up a valid HTML element?

<title> </title>

<html> </html>

<body> </body>

<meta name="keywords" content="contenty stuff" />

<head> <head>

24. Which element formats text and whitespace identically to how it is entered between the tags?

<blockquote> </blockquote>

<span> </span>

<ins> </ins>

<pre> </pre>

<a href=""> </a>

Bonus Question: What do you call a bee born in May?


A spelling bee!

A honey bee!

A queen bee!

A maybe!

25. What is the proper format of an HTML comment?

/* This Is An HTML Comment */

// This Is An HTML Comment

<! This Is An HTML Comment !>

<!-- This Is An HTML Comment -->

26. Title, meta and link elements are all located inside what element?

The Head Element

The Body Element

The Foot Element

The Div Element

The Form Element

27. Which elements have little value outside of being used with CSS?

<div> and <span>

<a> and <p>

<b> and <i>

<sub> and <sup>

28. <h1> and <h3> are examples of what?

inline elements


horizontal rules



Bonus Question: What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?


time to get a new fence


dinner time
